Prathima Chowdary AGES XXVIII Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Prathima Chowdary

Dr. Chowdary is a NZ trained doctor and received her medical degree from the University of Auckland and is a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Dr. Chowdary went on to train an extra two years in the AGES (Advanced gynaecological endoscopy society) Fellowship in Melbourne. Dr. Chowdary is the project lead for setting up MIDAS (Minimally invasive diagnostic and assessment unit) at North Shore Hospital. Prathima has a Masters in Engineering with first class honors and holds a Medical Engineer position at the Institute of Innovation and Improvement. She regularly contribute towards innovation and improvement of women’s heath through research and development. She is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland and is actively involved in teaching and training future specialists. She is currently doing her PhD at the University of Melbourne with Waitemata DHB as the recruiting site, with the first ever trial looking into tablet based therapy for the treatment of ectopic pregnancy.

Abstracts this author is presenting: