Video Presentation AGES XXVIII Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Multi-disciplinary management of deep infiltrative endometriosis causing ureteric obstruction and hydronephrosis using DaVinci Robotic surgery for resection and uretero-vesical re-implanation with Psoas hitch   (5587)

Alan Lam 1 , Justin Lam 1 , Valerie To 1 , Jessica Lowe 1 , Justin Vaff , Yasser Salama
  1. Centre for Advanced Reproductive Endosurgery, St. Leonards, NSW, Australia

Background: Urinary tract endometriosis involvement  varies widely from series to series, with reported incidence varying from 0.3 to 15%. Delayed presentation and recognition may result ureteric obstruction and irreversible renal damage.

Materials: the patient is a 38 yo P2 lady who had 2 previous C-section deliveries. She was discovered to have an obstructed left ureter and left hyronephrosis after presenting to emergency department with acute left flank pain. Hesitant to have surgery, the patient sought multiple specialist opinions before consenting to undergo surgical management.

Aim: a case video presentation  to demonstrate

  • The importance of careful assessment and pre-operative counselling
  • The use of ultrasound, CT and MRI for assessment of multi-organ and ureteric endometriosis
  • The feasibility and benefits of Xi DaVinci robotic platform in multi-disciplinary  approach  for resection of ureteric obstruction and uretero-vesical re-implanation with Psoas hitch
  • Have you presented oral, video or DCS at an AGES meeting before?: Yes
  • Are you a trainee and if so at what level?: Not a trainee
  • Are you a subspecialists or AGES member?: No