Digital Presentation AGES XXVIII Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

A Combined Cystoscopic and Laparoscopic Approach of Excision of a Nodule of Endometriosis within the Urinary Bladder (5572)

Kate E Tyson 1
  1. Mercy Hospital for Women, North Fitzroy, VIC, Australia

Endometriosis of the urinary bladder is a rare but severe condition. Surgical treatment requires a specialised technique for optimal outcome.

In this video presentation I will demonstrate a combined cystoscopic and laparoscopic technique to resect nodules of bladder endometriosis. Using a combined technique this difficult lesion can be safely resected. Ureters are clearly identified and avoided during the cystoscopic component. A partial thickness circumferential incision is made with monopoly diathermy. Progress is assisted by hydrodissection. Laparoscopically, the lesion is already clearly delineated and completely resected with ease. Excessive bladder resection is avoided. A two layer closure is performed. 

We will present a video of this technique and up to date literature review regarding bladder endometriosis. Preoperative assessment and diagnosis, including clinical and radiological assessment is vital. Post operative course and complication rates will be reviewed. 

  1. Full-thickness endometriosis of the bladder: report of 31 cases. Kjer et. al. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. (2014) 76:31–33.
  2. Combined Cystoscopic and Laparoscopic Approach in Deep Endometriosis of the Bladder. Roman et. al. JMIG. (2014) 21:978–979.
  3. Laparoscopic partial cystectomy for bladder endometriosis. M. Walid, R. Heaton. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (2009) 280:131–135.
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