Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) comprises IUDs (Mirena and Copper), Implanon and Depo-Provera. IUDs and Implanon should now be the first line treatment for the majority of reproductive aged women. A smaller low dose laevonorgestel (LNG) containing IUD has been approved for use in Australia but will probably not be available here in the near future. Filshie clip laparoscopic sterilisation was more common before LARCs became readily available, but it appears that more couples are requesting this form of contraception once again. Essure sterilisation is currently the subject of a class action in the USA so its popularity has waned. The most recently approved Emergency contraception in Australia is Ella-One (ulipristal acetate) and is as effective for emergency contraception as 1.5mg LNG (Postinor) but can be used after 5 vs 3 days of unprotected intercourse. The copper IUD can also be used up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse and the benefit of its use is that it can be used for ongoing contraception.