Oral Presentation AGES XXVIII Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Ablation and the New Burn (5795)

Lenore Ellett

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common condition affecting between 10- 30% of women during the reproductive years. AUB impairs health and quality of life. [1].Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is the most common pattern of AUB and is associated with high rates of operative intervention and gross financial burden.  Medical treatment with oral contraceptive pills or levonorgestrel intrauterine devices is generally the first line of therapy.

Failure of medical treatment warrants further intervention, which was limited to hysterectomy until the late 1980s when endometrial ablation (EA) evolved as an alternative. [2]

This presentation will look at the different second generation endometrial ablation devices available in Australia. Success rates, re intervention rates and patient outcomes will be discussed. In order to achieve high patient satisfaction appropriate pre operative counselling is necessary in order that the woman clearly understands what outcomes she can expect. Pregnancy implications will be touched on. A patient case study will be presented by way of illustrating some of the issues surrounding endometrial ablation.